Design by Gianantonio Perin & Monica Fernandes | Made in Italy

A Space for “Workliving”

When your home is your work headquarters, you need a space that can offer comfort but also functionality.

Our Concerto Collection is a hybrid modular system that acts as a bookcase,
desk, technology and decor station where working and living can come together in designer harmony.

Concerto: Time Better Spent

We now understand that working from home allows us to save money, preserve the environment and make better use of our time, while still excelling professionally.

”Workliving” is a holistic state of space, where we accommodate both our careers and our personal lives.

Our Concerto pieces assemble, compose and transform in any way needed, to become spots of productiveness meant to fit our exact needs and habits.

Concerto is the epitome of user-friendly. Its structure is light and easily integrated so we can customize unique and attractive home office layouts that blend perfectly into the areas of our homes.

Concerto Home Layout 01 (Desk and Shelves configuration only)

Concerto Home 02 (Desk and Shelves configuration only)

Concerto Home 03 (Desk/Shelves configuration only)

Concerto Home 04 (Desk/Shelves configuration only)

Concerto Home 05 (Desk and shelves only)

*This collection is exclusive, special ordered and subject to personalization.
Prices vary depending on item and specifications.

Items ship from Europe and can take 4 to 6 weeks by air freight and 7 to 9 weeks by ocean freight.
Customer chooses shipping method of their choice. Quotes upon request.
CONTACT US for assistance and we will get you exactly what you need.

Concerto was conceived, designed and produced in Italy by Bralco,
representing the coveted Made in Italy seal and its original and exclusive creations.
Visit Our Brands to learn more.

Bralco shares our Eco-friendly values and believes in empowering our industry with sustainable practices that maximize and protect our Earth’s resources, promoting the wellbeing and longevity of our environment and communities.

Every Bralco product carries a green seal of quality and is therefore worthy of our partnership and representation.